Thursday, May 19, 2011

Project 3 - Web Site Comps - Content Document

Gail Randell, #500828
IMD 105 – Project 3: Web Site Comps – Content Document
Due Date: Thursday, May 19,2011

HOME PAGE: I will be starting with the 2nd of my Final Comps (Set 2) from Project 2 on Effigy Mounds. I plan to refine the logos on the home page, lighten the gradient colors while keeping them in the same color 'family'. Other changes noted during in-class critique.

NAVIGATION: Home / History / Activities / Wildlife / Visitor Info / Maps / Links / Gallery

FOOTERS: Accessibility / Disclaimer / Privacy Policy / FOIA / Notices / USA.GOV

SUBLEVEL CONTENT PAGE: Will be for the "History" Navigation Tab. To include interesting park/effigy mound history


SUBLEVEL NAVIGATION: Will remain the same as the Home Page Navigation bar:
Home / History / Activities / Wildlife / Visitor Info / Maps / Links / Gallery

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