Monday, May 2, 2011

Project 1 - Van Gogh Banner - Typography Choices

Vincent Van Gogh – Amienne

Vincent Van Gogh – Baskerville Old Face

Vincent Van Gogh – Bradley Hand

Vincent Van Gogh - Charlemagne

Vincent Van Gogh – black adder

Vincent Van Gogh - Brush script

Vincent Van Gogh – Commercial Script

Vincent Van Gogh - eccentric Std

Vincent Van Gogh – giddy up

Vincent Van Gogh - gigi

Vincent Van Gogh – informal roman

Vincent Van Gogh – Maiandra GD

Vincent Van Gogh – Kristen itc

Vincent Van Gogh - lindsey

Vincent Van Gogh – Minya Nouvelle

Vincent Van Gogh – Minya pro

Vincent Van Gogh - Papyrus

Vincent Van Gogh - mufferaw

Vincent Van Gogh - SuperFrench

Vincent Van Gogh – tekton pro

Vincent Van Gogh – eccentric std

many of the fonts did not come thru, so please refer to PDF, below:


1 comment:

  1. I like this post the best because you discuss your thought process. No need to appologize about your Photoshop skills.
