Thursday, May 19, 2011

Project 3 - Final Project - Web Site Comps - Effigy Mounds - Creative Brief

Gail Randell, #500828
IMD 105 – Project 3: Web Site Comps – Creative Brief
Due Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011

Name of National Park:
I have chosen Effigy Mounds National Monument as my park.  It was established in 1949 and is in my home state of Iowa, which is my reason for choosing it.  While there are other mounds from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast, the unique thing is that these are the ONLY ONES that are in the form of animals, or effigies.  They are shaped as birds, bears and sometimes even reptiles.  The more than 200 mounds here represent 2000 years of mound building along the upper Mississippi River.  The mounds date back to 500BC and there are 12 different Indian tribes represented.  The park also contains the largest effigy still remaining, the Great Bear Mound.  This is a sacred burial ground and therefore there are no automobiles allowed. There are however 14 miles of scenic hiking trails, an extensive museum and a gift shop. 

The site will be geared towards visitors. Main focus will be learning about Native Americans and educational outings that are less expensive than many of today's family vacations.  I will be improving upon this ‘favorite’ of my 3 original comps:

The content page I plan to build will be History.  It will include interesting photos and probably the aerial map to increase interest.


The last page will be the ‘Contact’ page, which will include fields to sign up for emails/snail mail brochures.

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