Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cuckaboros squawking... still Tasmania

Waiting at the bus stop up on the mountain in Fern Tree, overlooking Hobart, there were these honking birds that I never really saw, but was told they were probably cuckaboros. One of the major reminders I was in a far away place, as I'd never heard a cuckaboro until this...

Kangaroo video! Including a BABY kangaroo. So Cute!

Tasmanian devils at feeding time

Devils eating, and the park ranger talking about the gum disease that could very well wipe out the species. I will find an article about the problem and post a link.  The disease that is killing them is some sort of gum cancer that is contagious amongst their species. Devils both in AND out of captivity suffer from it and scientists are having a difficult time explaining it much less combatting it.

Tassie Devil video - enjoy!

Tasmanian Devils...

Not all Tassie Devils are this kissable and friendly... This is my friend Shama smooching a devil :-)

They are really incredibly unique animals.  That you would not want as a pet.

Wow do they ever make some horrible noises!

Oh the baby devils, tho... they are SO CUTE!