Friday, April 29, 2011
travel in London
This is me, driving down the street where I lived! The Brits call our vehicles 'left hookers', so I suppose that makes this a 'right hooker' :-) This is a somewhat rare AUTOMATIC transmission 2litre honda. There is no way I could learn to drive on the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the road on the wrong side of the ocean AND shifting with the wrong hand, so my boyfriend at the time leased this car.
A double decker bus and... look closely at the car in front of me...
One of the Queen's Bentleys which we saw on the street in London
(Notice the HRH reg, or license tag. HRH = Her Royal Highness)
Ok so this isn't my photo. But someone emailed it to me after the London Underground Bombing and I think it's super funny so I had to share, especially since I have the Bentley photos. (There are so many things wrong with this. Firstly, as if the Queen would be driving herself. Haha! Oh right, and then there's the heat she's packing.) So credit to Unknown Photographer/Comedian for a great Photoshop job and a Royal Laugh!
Eton, Westminster Abbey & festive hats!!!
Eton, where Princes William & Harry both attended school
Westminster Abbey - where Di & Charles were married, where Di's funeral was held and where
William and Kate wed this morning. So exciting!!!
You may also recognize the Abbey as the bank in the movie Mary Poppins.
When someone is getting married in England, people buy hats to wear to the party. So when one asks "Shall I buy a hat?" it's like saying "Have you gotten engaged?" These are NOT they type of hats one would wear for a wedding, much less THIS wedding ;-)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Project 2 - Layout - Effigy Mounds - Typography Choices
Effigy Mounds - Berylium
Effigy Mounds – Poor Richard
Effigy Mounds - Pericles
Effigy Mounds - Candara
Effigy Mounds – Viner Hand ITC
Effigy Mounds – Sybil Green
Effigy Mounds – Amienne
Effigy Mounds – Baskerville Old Face
Effigy Mounds – Bradley Hand
Effigy Mounds – informal roman
Effigy Mounds – Maiandra GD
Effigy Mounds - lindsey
Effigy Mounds – Minya Nouvelle
Effigy Mounds – Minya pro
Effigy Mounds - Papyrus
Effigy mounds - mufferaw
Effigy Mounds - SuperFrench
Project 1 - Banner - Vincent Van Gogh - Project Proposal
1. Name of artist: Vincent Van Gogh
2. Simple profile outlining:
a. Paragraph describing artist’s: one of history’s most famous painters, of modern art, impressionist
* style - modern
* period – 1880’s
* subject matter – people, flowers, landscapes
b. List example or 2 of work artist is known for:
Starry Night & Café Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night
c. Brief statement describing how I will design banner:
* what font & colors – still choosing font / colors will compliment the paintings I choose for banner
* size of header 400 x 980
* how I plan to present the images – I would like them all to be framed with gallery frames
3. Create 30 thumbnails trying different arrangements – not finished pieces, just broad brushstrokes of an idea
MENU ITEMS: Home / Biography / Gallery / Credits / Contact / Tag Line (Optional)
Monitor Resolution 1024 x 768
Max width 980 pixels (max) to 700 (min)
Max height 400 pixels (max) to 150 (min)
Typography Choice Work:
Typography Choice Work:
Vincent Van Gogh – Amienne
Vincent Van Gogh – Baskerville Old Face
Vincent Van Gogh – Bradley Hand
Vincent Van Gogh - Charlemagne
Vincent Van Gogh – black adder
Vincent Van Gogh - Brush script
Vincent Van Gogh – Commercial Script
Vincent Van Gogh - eccentric Std
Vincent Van Gogh – giddy up
Vincent Van Gogh - gigi
Vincent Van Gogh – informal roman
Vincent Van Gogh – Maiandra GD
Vincent Van Gogh – Kristen itc
Vincent Van Gogh - lindsey
Vincent Van Gogh – Minya Nouvelle
Vincent Van Gogh – Minya pro
Vincent Van Gogh - Papyrus
Vincent Van Gogh - mufferaw
Vincent Van Gogh - SuperFrench
Vincent Van Gogh – tekton pro
Vincent Van Gogh – eccentric std
the "less proper" side of London
A small portion of the beer selection at Sainsbury's
Police officers with automatic weapons.
There was a demonstration near #10 Downing Street,
the Prime Minister's house. At this time it was Tony Blair.
Not everyone in England is thrilled with their government either,
as evidenced by protesters with some excellent signs near Parliament
Gentlemen's Club named with a clever play on words, and ever so patriotic
The Arab Boy, the Oldest Pub in Putney
London Landmarks
The London Eye
Crossing Tower Bridge
MI5 Building from across the River Thames
(England's CIA)
The London Skyline
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Project 2 - Layout - Effigy Mounds National Monument - Content Document
Elementary Aged Students
Navigation Bar Contents
possibly use primary colors
considering MINYA NOUVELLE typeface
Foreign Tourists
Navigation Bar Contents: HOME / HISTORY / ACTIVITIES / WILDLIFE INFO / PARK INFO (fees, park hours & dates of operation) / MAPS & DIRECTIONS / CONTACT INFO / PHOTO GALLERY
dark greens & earth tones / CANDARA typeface
American Tourists
Navigation Bar Contents
possibly use primary colors
considering MINYA NOUVELLE typeface
Foreign Tourists
Navigation Bar Contents: HOME / HISTORY / ACTIVITIES / WILDLIFE INFO / PARK INFO (fees, park hours & dates of operation) / MAPS & DIRECTIONS / CONTACT INFO / PHOTO GALLERY
dark greens & earth tones / CANDARA typeface
American Tourists
rusts/dark greens, earth tones
The information for Foreign Tourists and American Tourists will be much the same, although the Foreign Tourists page should be translated into several languages.
Buckingham Palace & the Union Jack
Trafalgar Square and double-decker bus (or "coach", if you are English)
Big Ben! Parliament!
The Tower of London
in honor of the Royal Wedding, London...
Alright so as EVERYONE on God's green Earth knows, the long awaited Royal Wedding is in less than TWO DAYS! I'm extremely excited. I lived in England for a year (2005) and even then the tabloids were announcing on a monthly basis that Wills had proposed to Kate. I guess they knew at some point it would happen and if they just persisted in reporting it, one of those days they might be correct - and hence, first with the story! I love England, I love the English people and their sense of humour. And I love how they add extra "u's" to words and their proper way of speaking, and how everything they say sounds better than anything we say. Although the English men I met have the same adoration for American girls' accents :-)
Anyway, because I'm gearing up for the big wedding, my next several posts are going to be
London- and England-based.
Using my T-Mobile "mobile phone" whilst standing next to one of London's famous phone boxes
My first visit to Buckingham Palace, Thanksgiving 2004
In front of the store "Stranded in London"
Buckingham Palace
The Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Project 2 - Layout - Effigy Mounds National Monument - more interesting information...
In my earlier blog post about the Effigy Mounds, I neglected to give more interesting information about the site. The park boasts hundreds of preserved Native American Indian burial mounds. While there are other mounds from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast, the unique thing is that these are the ONLY ONES that are in the form of animals, or effigies. They are shaped as birds, bears and sometimes even reptiles. The more than 200 mounds here represent 2000 years of mound building along the upper Mississippi River. The mounds date back to 500BC and there are 12 different Indian tribes represented. The park also contains the largest effigy still remaining, the Great Bear Mound, photo from the National Park Services website.
The map below I thought I found earlier on the National Parks website but I had to google it to find it again on a tourist's blog... I've rotated the photo to match the map.
Project 1 - Banner - Theodor Geisel - typography choices

So after completing this work on Dr. Seuss, I learned that we were only able to use images from and As it turns out, none of his work is on either of the school-approved websites. I went to the official website for his work and read that it was possible to request permission to use his artwork, it was only available via request by mail, which would take several weeks. Therefore I knew I needed to choose a different artist. I apologize for not reading the syllabus and realizing I should have posted this work to my blog...
At the class last Tuesday, April 19, I chose to use the artist Al Hirschfeld. You & I discussed this and then I emailed thru his official website to request permission to use his artwork. Unfortunately as of classtime today, Tuesday, April 26 I still had not heard back from the Hirschfeld site. Now that I'm completely late with this entire project, I am choosing an artist tonight and I will post the work prior to class Thursday evening. Thank you for your patience. In the future I will refer to the syllabus more often :-)
Project 1: Banner for an artist
My artist of choice was Theodor Seuss Geisel, a.k.a. Dr. Seuss.
Theodor Seuss Geisel was a prolific children's author as well as an illustrator and artist. Among critics there is no real consensus to his style. Some see his work as Maximalism & Pre-Emptive Cute Formalism. He created his artwork in the mid-1900's. While he was most well known for his books, he was an incredibly talented artist who created many eccentric characters. He did this by melding two animals together or sometimes adding non-animal characteristics to his creations. In addition to these ilustrations, he also spent many years working in advertising and during WWII he created United States Army posters. He also went thru a psychedelic art phase which many of his admirers are not familiar with. He was awarded 2 Academy Awards, 2 Emmys, 1 Peabody and 1 Pulitzer Prize over the course of his career.
Works the artist is known for would be the characters in dozens of his books. Sam-I-Am from "Green Eggs and Ham", The Grinch and The Whos from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", and the Cat in the Hat, to name a few.
I'm envisioning the banner to be shaped either like a big green sunny-side-up egg or the edge of the pages of a book. I'm considering the tag line "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" - Dr. Seuss
The images I plan to use will be the characters from some of his most popular books, listed above. I plan to use the typeface "FOOTLIGHT MT LIGHT" because it is fun and captures his lightheartedness while it is easy to read and will not take away from the artwork in the banner. The colors will be red, green, black & white. The size of the header will be 980 x 400. I plan to present some of the characters in the banner amongst the menu items.
Theodor Seuss Geisel was a prolific children's author as well as an illustrator and artist. Among critics there is no real consensus to his style. Some see his work as Maximalism & Pre-Emptive Cute Formalism. He created his artwork in the mid-1900's. While he was most well known for his books, he was an incredibly talented artist who created many eccentric characters. He did this by melding two animals together or sometimes adding non-animal characteristics to his creations. In addition to these ilustrations, he also spent many years working in advertising and during WWII he created United States Army posters. He also went thru a psychedelic art phase which many of his admirers are not familiar with. He was awarded 2 Academy Awards, 2 Emmys, 1 Peabody and 1 Pulitzer Prize over the course of his career.
Works the artist is known for would be the characters in dozens of his books. Sam-I-Am from "Green Eggs and Ham", The Grinch and The Whos from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", and the Cat in the Hat, to name a few.
I'm envisioning the banner to be shaped either like a big green sunny-side-up egg or the edge of the pages of a book. I'm considering the tag line "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!" - Dr. Seuss
The images I plan to use will be the characters from some of his most popular books, listed above. I plan to use the typeface "FOOTLIGHT MT LIGHT" because it is fun and captures his lightheartedness while it is easy to read and will not take away from the artwork in the banner. The colors will be red, green, black & white. The size of the header will be 980 x 400. I plan to present some of the characters in the banner amongst the menu items.
Project 2 - Layout - Effigy Mounds National Park - Creative Brief
I have chosen Effigy Mounds National Monument as my park. It was established in 1949 and is in my home state of Iowa, which is my reason for choosing it. There are thousands of Native American burial mounds from the midwest to the East coast. The ones in this area of the country are unique in that they are the only ones that are effigies, or formed in the shape of animals. There are not activities or tours offered, this is a sacred burial ground and therefore there are no automobiles allowed. There are however 14 miles of scenic hiking trails, an extensive museum and a gift shop. For this reason, I'm not exactly certain how the sites will vary for my target audiences other than the typography I may choose and possibly the colors, as each site will contain several of the same photographs.
My first target audience will be Elementary-aged students who may be studying our nation's history in schools. For them I would like to create a site that has lots of photos of the mound formations to catch their interest and make them eager to learn about Native Americans. I will use these photos:
My second audience will be foreign tourists who are interested in learning about Native American culture. Again I will be relying heavily on photographs so that the user can understand what the park offers even if they cannot read English.
My last target group will be American tourists who aren't familiar with our nation's rich diversity. I will gear the site towards discovering our own country's history, learning about Native Americans and interesting educational outings to go on that are less expensive than many of today's family vacations.
The photos I have included here are ideas of what pictures I might focus on for each of the 3 audiences.
All these photos are from the National Parks website.
My first target audience will be Elementary-aged students who may be studying our nation's history in schools. For them I would like to create a site that has lots of photos of the mound formations to catch their interest and make them eager to learn about Native Americans. I will use these photos:
My second audience will be foreign tourists who are interested in learning about Native American culture. Again I will be relying heavily on photographs so that the user can understand what the park offers even if they cannot read English.
My last target group will be American tourists who aren't familiar with our nation's rich diversity. I will gear the site towards discovering our own country's history, learning about Native Americans and interesting educational outings to go on that are less expensive than many of today's family vacations.
The photos I have included here are ideas of what pictures I might focus on for each of the 3 audiences.
All these photos are from the National Parks website.
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